Sunday, June 10, 2007

"A room without books is like a body without a soul" - Cicero

Welcome!! After wanting to be a member of a book club for quite a while and unable to find one, i decided to start my own, in order to avoid the problem of meeting at the right time suitable for every member i dediced that the best the solution was the blessed Inet! :D Anyone intrested in reading is welcome to join, and all the members are free to suggest a book of their choice. As this is new, for the time being a book would be selected every two months. Given that the last Potter book is coming after a couple of weeks we will start with that. In the mean time you can create your own user name to be able to contribute your part. And whilst we wait "patiently" I would like to advise that the books that BookWorm_VicePresident and myself select are a little advanced, it would be suitable if you are 15 Yrs and above, also you are free to share your ideas regarding what might happen in the last book . Thankyou, and hope to hear from you soon.

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